There’s no question that Filipinos should start investing in a lot more earthquake-resistant buildings. On average, around 20,000 earthquakes occur every year worldwide, with most of them considered major disasters. One such disaster is the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti in 2021. This disaster led to the death of more than 2,000 people.
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) already took note that Filipinos should be wary of and prepared for earthquakes of similar magnitude. After all, the country is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire. If you’re not aware, we experience up to 150 earthquakes every year.
This post will provide salient points on how to build earthquake-resistant buildings using the most durable materials. We’ll also look into the responsibilities and accountabilities of contractors.
Requirements for Building Earthquake-Resistant Buildings
Commercial construction should be a very conscientious business if it wants to minimize the effects of disasters. History will tell you that most of the damage during earthquakes is caused by buildings that collapse because of poor construction. This applies both in residential and commercial construction. Truly, lives of people, and not just loss of property, are at stake.
Disasters like earthquakes can occur at any time. While it cannot be predicted, those working in construction can help minimize the possible damages in case of an earthquake.
This can be done by taking these steps in building earthquake-resistant buildings:
1. Make sure the building has a flexible and isolated foundation

Buildings collapse when subjected to pressure during an earthquake. This means the base is expected to move during an earthquake. Engineers use the base isolation method to ensure that the building’s foundation is able to resist the movement of the earth. This method involves the use of isolators consisting of lead, rubber, and steel that serve as flexible pads for the foundation. During an earthquake, the pads isolate the structure from the movement of the base. This means the building remains steady even as the base moves because of the earthquake.
2. Make use of the most durable materials

It is not enough that builders create a flexible and isolated foundation. The base isolation method would be more effective in building earthquake-resistant buildings if the right materials are used in the construction process.
The World Steel Association suggested the use of ductile structures to make buildings safe. These are structures that reduce the energy of seismic waves and withstand deformations without tumbling
down. Steel is one of the most preferred materials in the construction of buildings that are able to withstand an earthquake.
3. Use shock absorbers for buildings

The use of shock absorbers or seismic dampers can help absorb earthquake vibrations. By dissipating seismic wave energy, these absorbers allow the structure to become elastic so that the structure’s seismic performance is enhanced during earthquakes.
4. Make use of construction netting

It is not enough to make a building earthquake-resistant. It is also important to make sure that any project provides a construction safety net. This is to ensure that people in the area are protected in the event that an earthquake occurs. When you build earthquake-resistant buildings, you start by making your construction site safe for everyone. Every project would be off to a good start with the use of construction netting. These nets provide the best protection from falling debris. It can even shield people below in case a quake occurs while people are working on the site.
Get Your Construction Safety Net from PRN and Accident-Proof Your Projects
These are just some of the pointers you should observe when creating earthquake-resistant buildings that will stand erect for decades to come. It’s not enough to know what to do, however. You should make sure that you’re able to source the finest materials in order to realize these steps you have to take.
If you’re in the market for high-quality construction nets priced at friendly rates, then you’re at the right place. The Philippine Ranging Nets is a leading supplier of construction safety nets that many companies in the country trust and use. Check out our product catalog here and place your orders today.